Raja Gidh Novel By Bano Qudsia [PDF Download ]

Raja Gidh novel pdf

Raja Gidh is one of the most widely read, widely acclaimed, and critically esteemed novels in the world. Urdu-language has a list of novels that have been praised.

Raja Gidh Novel Summary and Review.

The main theme of the novel is an extraordinary journey of discovery. What causes madness in humans is a simple question Existences? Bano Qudsiya searches for answers by analyzing human behavior.

Behavioral effects of different life stages.

  1. Unending Love
  2. Insatiable Curiosity
  3. Unlawful Earning 
  4. Awareness of death
In the novel, the protagonist is a middle-class villager by birth named Qayyum. As a child, Qayyum lived in the suburbs. See, a classmate of his at the university, falls in love with him, although she is already in love with another classmate. Qayyum could not love Seemi back, so he went through, experienced, and analyzed all four stages of life.

Bono Qudsiya also directs the reader's attention to the religious idea of Halaal & Haraam in this novel.2/2 The novel and its characters are depressing, and their journeys are filled with hopelessness. Dialogues and narratives are thought-provoking and bold.

There are times when the reader wonders if that isn't bold? If you are looking for a typical romance novel, this is not the book for you. In contrast, if you enjoy reading sociology, philosophy, and religion in the form of fiction novels, then Raja Gid is a must-read.

In this brief review, we explore Bano Qudsia's Raja Gidh novel. You can read it online or download the pdf file for offline reading.

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